We’ve all said it before—new year, new me! But how many of us actually stick to our new year’s resolution/s?! Often, we make unrealistic resolutions that are impossible to achieve. We promise ourselves we will eat more kale, run 5km’s every morning and cancel our Netflix subscription...all of which we know we won’t actually do!
For many of us, however, making resolutions for the new year—particularly those centered around health and fitness—can be the motivation we need to get off our butts and kick some goals. When it comes to fitness, sometimes the hardest thing for mums is simply getting started. Social media, and specifically Instagram, is a great place to find inspiration when it comes to getting fit and healthy. We’ve scrolled through the gram and found a bunch of awesome fit mums to help motivate and inspire you.
These fit mums know what’s up—they know that motherhood is a tough gig but they also know that being healthy, fit and confident is key to a happier, more wholesome life!
1. Chontel Duncan
Instagram: @chontelduncan
Chontel has over 600,000 followers on Instagram and is mum to two boys, Jeramiah
(20 months) and newborn Swayde. Her and her hubby are the creators of HIIT Australia, a gym that specializes in eight week transformations (check out some of the amazing transformations @hitt_australia). Chontel’s Instagram is a mix of workout videos, bikini pictures and baby photos. It would be easy to assume that Chontel is ‘blessed’ with an extremely athletic body but this mum works hard training five times a week at 6am!
2. Ashy Bines
Instagram: @ashybines
Ashy is a powerhouse in the fitness industry with almost 1 million Instagram followers. Ashy has a two-year-old son, Taj. She is well known for getting up at the crack of dawn for a fat burning walk and then hitting up her gym on the Gold Coast—all before Taj wakes up! Ashy is a savvy businesswoman with a YouTube channel, clothing label and successful health and fitness app. She is a qualified personal trainer but she is also backed by a team of health and fitness professionals so her content is really informative and amazing!
3. Sophie Guidolin
Instagram: @sophie_guidolin
Sophie has 350,000 Instagram followers and is a mum of four! She has two sons and identical twin girls. Sophie is a qualified personal trainer and nutritionist, as well as a successful fitness model. She has written five cookbooks and also developed ‘The Bod’, a 12-week exercise and nutrition program. Her and her husband also own a gym that specializes in body building and power lifting. Sophie isn’t afraid to share the lows, as well as the highs, in her life and this makes her really relatable to us mums.
4. Revie Jane Schulz
Instagram: @reviejane
Revie has 150,000 followers on Instagram and is mum to toddler Lexington, with another bub on the way! Revie is a CrossFit athlete and trainer and has developed both gym and home-based fitness programs. Revie is passionate about building up women’s self-confidence and enabling them to live a lifestyle that is empowering. Her Instagram is full of gorgeous picture of her daughter and sweaty workout videos to get you motivated!
5. Fit Mom/Mums of Instagram
Insta: @fit_moms_of_ig
Fit Mom/Mums of Instagram has over 300,000 followers and promotes itself as a community of fit mums that support each other and stick together! The page regularly posts pictures of inspiring fit mums and plenty of workout videos for you to try! This page is great to scroll through if you are lacking motivation as it is a diverse community of mums from all different walks of life.
Honestly, we’ve barely scratched the surface when it comes to fit mums on Instagram—there are literally thousands of women sharing their health and fitness journeys. It is important to remember that Instagram, like all forms of social media, is often a ‘highlight reel’ of an individual’s life… So remember that just because these fit mums aren’t uploading pictures of poop explosions and bloated stomachs doesn’t mean that’s not part of their lives! The most important thing to remember is that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, no matter what shape or size. These fit mums will motivate and inspire you to be fit, healthy, confident and most importantly happy!
Photo Credit : @kerispilatesroom & @fit_moms_of_ig
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